~Asset Sources~

A general rule of thumb before I credit anyone: for the assets I have used, please remember NOT to hotlink to anything!!! If you're unsure what hotlinking is, it's using the direct link to an asset (for instance, the line separators I have used) from the hosts site. This is generally disliked by anyone who hosts things on their own sites as it takes resources from their site by using up their bandwidth. I give direct links so you (or me, if I ever lose the links!) can download directly without having to look around too much for what I used, but PLEASE if you use anything, download it and upload it to your own site. It's just proper manners ♡

kawaiiness' button

The list I use in my sidebar on my homepage is actually a scrollbox and it's from Kawaiiness, and the link to it is here! I did change the image for the scrollbar, however, and I have linked to the images for that below in my Fool Lovers section ^-^

sadgrl's button

Sadgrlonline is where I got (most) of the main backgrounds for my site! The link to the page I got them from is here, and the direct links to the pictures are the following: splash page outer bg + main site middle box; splash page inner bg + main site left & right sides; drop down menu + blinkie page bg; hit counter box + collapsible button (active & not active); collapsible button (active hover); collapsible button (inactive hover).

A warning for if you go to the direct tile backgrounds page is that there are quite a few flashing and moving backgrounds!!! The backgrounds themselves are all fairly small, but if you hover over them they take over the whole background and can be a hazard if you don't do well with flashing images!

fool lover's button

Fool Lovers is where I got the lines I use in my scrollboxes, and the links are here (page link), here (direct link), and here (line extender). I am also using a few assorted things around my site, and I'll list them all now:

The stars I use in my hit counter box & for items added in my Changelog: icons page; stars page; section I used; direct link.

The images I use that say 'new' and 'update': news page; section I used; link to 'new' image; link to 'update' image

All the stuff I use on my stamps page also comes from this site! Backgrounds page; section I used; direct link; dot-matrix paper section; direct link; line page; section I used; lace line; heart line section; direct link.

Quite a few of the assets on my glitter fills page also come from here ^-^ As you can probably tell, I really like this site, hehe ♡ Simple wallpapers page; page I used; direct link (if you're unsure what this is, I'm using it as an overlay to the main background!); lace wallpaper page; top & bottom lace page; direct link; right-side lace page;direct link.

The last assets I have from this site are on my splash page! Heart wallpaper page; page I used; direct link; line page; jewel line page; direct link.

Note about this site: it is entirely in Japanese, but it is navigable if your browser can translate pages for you!

sky's button

Patapata/sky animation (I can't actually figure out which name is right ||orz) is the site where I got most of my line dividers from! The credits are here: line dividers page; fireworks page; fireworks divider; cat page; cat w/hearts.

WhiMSiCAL's button

WHiMSiCAL is an absolutely DARLING pixel site where I got the assets for my sidebar on my glitter fills page :3 Materials page; backgrounds page; direct link to background; page for top curtain; direct link; page for bottom curtain; direct link.

sorahana's button

Sorahana is a site that I've only gotten one asset from, and that is the star curtain on my splash page :3 I cannot link you to the pages I accessed as the pages don't have unique links, but it's in the background section under the sub-section 'mokumoku cloth + star' (もくもく布+星 if not translated) and the direct link to it is here :3

The four-point stars I use on my collasible boxes in my materials section come from here!

You may notice that I haven't linked any of the pixel art I use throughout my site on this page, and that's because most of it comes from archived sites mini room maker & sites associated with it (haunted house maker, summer maker, slumber party maker, etc.,). Those sites took most of their assets from sites like CyWorld and SayClub, and as such I have no real way of crediting them :(


Rainy Hearts by Camellina on DaFont. This is the font I use for the titles in my dropdown menu.

Cyborg Sister by jeti on DaFont. This is the font I use for the links in my dropdown menu, and it's the font I use for the left window on my blinkie page.

Pixel Operator by Jayvee Enaguas on DaFont. This is the font I use in my nav bar.

Woodrow Bitmap by Dev (vacuumfan7072) on FontStruct. This is what I use for the links in the left sidebar of my materials pages.

Essential by GuigzQ on DaFont. This is what I use to write in my left sidebar, and what I use for the links on both my blinkie and stamp pages.

Nintendo DS BIOS by David on DaFont. This is the main font for my site.

Superscript by Sven Stüber on DaFont. This is the font I use for my headings.

Alagard by Hewett Tsoi on DaFont. This is the main font on my splash page.

PixelSix by Cal Henderson on DaFont. This is the smaller font on my splash page, the font I use in the scrollboxes on my home page, and the font I use in the sidebar on my blinkie page.

basiic by Cinni on their personal site. This is what I use as the text in the sidebar of my stamps page.

Lucida Console. This is the font I use for the windows on my blinkie page, and it's a standard font on most computers!


Site Buttons:

kawaiiness' button

sadgrl's button

fool lover's button

sky's button

whimsicals's button

sorahana's button