
Khan Academy: A non-profit education organization that aims to give a world-class education to anyone anywhere! Has resources from math to science to art with everything in between, and it's appropiate for learners of all ages - even kids! This is an incredible resource I HIGHLY recommend, especially if you're having trouble in a particular subject in school as it starts from the very basics of whatever you're searching for. It's also a good place to donate to, if you do that sort of thing :3

Coursera: This site has partnered with many leading universities around the globe - 275, according to their site - to offer courses to take, either free or paid for, online! They have a large catalogue of courses and you can get full degrees through their site, as well as take free courses.

FutureLearn: This site is a lot like Coursera! Focuses on online learning and has a large selection of courses, both free and paid for.

Alison: Another online course learning site. This one is a bit smaller than Coursera and FutureLearn, but still has quite the collection of courses!

The Open University: An English university that offers a MASSIVE collection of online university level courses! Has a physical campus in England, but the website is open to anyone, regardless of where you live :3 While courses are a big part of this website, it also has a large collection of other educational resources, such as articles and games.


STATUS: online and editing :3