Hi! I'm
, a 20-something who's using this site to carve out my own little corner of the internet for myself ♡ This is a personal site where I post things I make, talk about things I like, and try to gather my hobbies all in one place! I'm really fond of
pixel art
I'm an example tooltip!
the Universe
, and the colour
This site is very much still under construction, so please do be patient with me ♡
~Most Recent Updates~
(01-31-25) Got up all my pixel scenes!!! You can access them through here~ There's a ton to look through, and I plan to add to them soon ^^
(01-31-25) Finally got around to changing all my CSS to the cleaner and more updated version I did! All my pages should now all looke the same~
(12-12-24) Added a pixel scenes section where I'm going to add TONS of CyWorld and Say Club pixel scenes that I've archived from a Google site that's no longer around.
(11-28-24) Did my first cleanup of this theme! Changed around quite a bit and adde lots of cute things :3
(11-15-24) Finally, after MONTHS of work, I finished my second website theme!!! It's a recreation of the Windows95 desktop, as well as the Windows95 paint window :3 I worked very hard on it and am quite proud of myself, so I would love it you would check it out~
(07-17-24) I made my very first layout recreation! I recreated the theme of an old doujin site I used to use, called SasuxNaru.is.Love and I'm really so proud of it, and I'd love it if you would check it out ^-^
(Late June) Changed up my Geocities background archive page and added a new index for them!
(05-16-24) Updated my archived sites page! Not sure how many more I added, but they're all marked with new so they're easy to see ^-^ For now I'll take a break from adding new sites and instead focus on changing my theme around for the time being :3
(05-05-24) Got my archived sites page up and running! If you have an interest in older websites please do give it a look :3 Long live the old web!
(05-03-24) After a ton of effort and time spent downloading, copying links, and coding a new page, my Geocities background archive is up and ready for you to peruse!!! :3 It may take a little while to load, but it's worth it if you're looking for a background for...well, anything! I also have a small homepage for the archives here, and this will be added to as I grow my archive ♡
(04-05-24) Added all my mutuals to my button wall!
(04-03-24) Added a chatroom for people to talk in :3 Pop in and say hi if you want ^-^
(03-31-24) Did some more behind the scenes work! With this update I've gotten my nav bars into HTML files which will make it much easier to update my site going forward :3 Very exciting!!! Also added some new cursors to my materials page :3 They're swords!
(03-26-24) Got all my images replaced! Imgur is now completely dead to me ._.
(02-25-24) Added two new fonts to my materials page :3
~Currently Working On~
Trying to tidy up my existing pages and make sure it's all clean and concise :3
~Pages in the Works~
A shrine to SEVENTEEN; a shrine to Shinee; a page dedicated to the history of pride flags; a manga rec page; my attempt at a mini room maker clone, as well as a candybar doll maker.